Hit aggressive timelines and grab the attention of major buyers

After recognizing how popular sustainability has become in human food; Tony Lawlor, CEO, and creator of Because It’s Better, spotted an opportunity to replicate this for pets. Although the world of pet food is usually stagnant, Tony Lawlor grew Because It’s Better to stand out. Its innovative and functional capabilities set this brand apart from its competitors by focusing on quality and sustainability.

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Hit Aggressive Timelines
Turned around 30 SKUs in under a month.
Increase Brand Awareness
The Packaging Redesign Grabbed the Attention of Major Buyers.
Collaborative Teamwork
"The Launch™ Program at Belmark is like an extension of our Team." - Tony Lawlor, CEO, Because It's Better
  • “Staying in business or going out of business can rest on how you look at key meetings and trade shows.”
  • “I assure you, how our samples looked at that trade show has a direct correlation to the meetings we were able to book,”

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